Another Micro Universe

We have many micro climate zones around here. That makes it hard to get dressed sometimes - so "layering" is the way to go. Last night, we left our misty river bottom and traveled inland - not only to a new climate but a veritable new universe, requiring "layers" of a different sort. The Hopmonk in Novato is located in a huge, upscale Mall - where the cars are shiny and clean, and most folks have faces illuminated by their hand-held devices. We strolled into the club while New Monsoon was setting up for a sound check. It's a nice, well-managed place, and everyone was very helpful. I felt a bit scruffy, like a "country mouse" in the big city. Many of the young women cruising the scene had the craziest shoes I've seen in a long time - 3-4" heels, super-skinny bodies and long tresses were "de rigueur." I walked up to the New Monsoon keyboard guy (Phil) to discuss sharing the stage, and he was great. I got to use his stand and the cushiest, softest piano stool on earth. Compared to the 5-man New Monsoon group, our band looked and sounded quite unusual - "Who are those old hippies, anyway?" First of all, we confused them with our name, and one lady thought we might do some rap (wrap?) tunes about the vegan lifestyle! Then our set of all-original songs made them perk up their ears. We began with "The Hungering," a song about selling out to greed (an "homage" to the famous Sequester!), but we moved right along to "Love Is All"  -full of hope and encouragement. The minute Mike pulled out his trumpet, enthusiasm was amped up very fast. People liked us - it was nice to know our music can get folks smiling and dancing, even surrounded by so much commercialism. We played a short set since New Monsoon was ready to boogie. When we stopped, some folks in the back were yelling "Grateful Dead" - it felt good to be associated with the  Dead tunes we love so much, but we also loved the chance to share our own tunes. We packed up fast and headed north. Drew and Maris stayed to dance the night away, so I'll get the Monsoon report when we gather at Aubergines Sunday afternoon. Coming home late at night, critters were dashing everywhere by the light of a huge gibbous moon - I felt layers of tension melt away as we climbed up Meyers Grade - I'm just an old "country mouse" at heart, can't help it!

Take care. Love, Sylvia

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