Another Thugz Thursday at the Blue

Another month has gone by, and that means another "3rd Thursday" at the Blue. We squished the band onto the tiny stage and took off. Thugz fans really came out on a beautiful April night. The party mood was intense - maybe it was due to putting Tax Day behind us. As always, it's so hard to get the sound balanced in the bar, but we did our best. I got a little whiny for a while, but how could I complain with so much positive energy pulsating in there. Astonishing-but-true: Maris showed up and even danced a bit - heading toward 40 weeks of pregnancy. We all patted her tummy and sent messages to the little one - "It's time to join the tribe!" Of course, we're all thrilled to have Ian playing and singing again. He was in the middle of "Can't Find My Way Home" when the Giants got a big hit on the bar TV. It would have been a perfect moment if they had managed a home run. Mike continues to drive us all forward with his energy and musicianship. It was a night for fabulous trumpet licks - really wonderful stuff. Nothing slows him down - not even another birthday coming up on the 25th. By the way, Thugz fans should come out and celebrate with us at the Roadhouse that evening. Spring is definitely here - Earth Day is around the corner. We might even be able to play outside on Saturday -wow.Take care. Love, Sylvia

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