Ashkenaz Adventure

On Thursday, Mike and I met in Jenner to gather equipment then travel in one car for our Ashkenaz adventure. We chose the coastal route, mainly because it was a glorious fall day with sun glistening on the water - so lovely - and then - WHAM. We hit traffic near Novato. It must have been the A's playoff game crowd combined with some other activity, but everybody was heading for the San Rafael Bridge at the same time. We didn't arrive in Berkeley too late, but I was feeling a little overwhelmed by so much activity and so many people. Thankfully the Ashkenaz is always a peaceful place with the most welcoming, efficient staff on the planet. We settled in, set up and waited to begin. Not many folks showed up, even with our celebrity friend David Gans on the musical menu, but the fans who came were wonderful - very appreciative and involved in the music. Drew, Maris, Kathleen and Kay traveled all the way from west county to help and support us - the best tribe ever. We had some Berkeley friends and relatives pop in too. Mike's son, Spencer, showed up with his camera to try for some video shots. He's such a pro. It's always wonderful to see Spencer and his partner Sarah. The evening went well, and it was a pleasure to step off the stage and listen to David's beautiful music. He's a master of using a looping machine and creating really complex patterns. But there was a bittersweet edge to the night since it was Ian's last official gig as our full-time drummer. He is moving along to a career as a jazz guitarist - that's what happens when you're so multi-talented. He'll be around to play with us on occasion, but the Thugz are going ahead with plans that include our pal Bradley on drums. Changes bring new energy and challenges, but we're excited about Ian's decision to follow his dreams. We stood outside the Ashkenaz last night trying to say good-night to Ian in a special way as city buses drove past displaying "Go A's" signs. The A's lost the playoffs, but the Thugz only gained another chance to move into new territory. We'll be working hard on our recording project next weekend - new songs, new ideas, new drummer, new musical finesse. After all the hugs and good-byes, we hit the road for home. The traffic was gone, so it was smooth sailing back to the Jenner parking lot. Next stop? - a "regular" Thursday night at the River Theater on 10/17. What a concept! Take care. love, Sylvia