Back In Business

Hi Everyone,

Now that we've got this new website, I wanted to check in with a blog entry. It has been a while since I've had a chance to comment on gigs and Thugz happenings, so this is exciting for me. We've all been caught up in life's challenges lately - my own challenge has been to get through a major household move - but I'm done now, yahoo! 

We've been a 4-piece band for a while now since Andre moved along to other pursuits. We miss him in so many ways, but our sound has come together these past few weeks. We have space for each instrument to stand out, and we've been trying to leave open spaces for each other. Last Thursday, we were treated to a wonderful "Chris moment" when he took a short but sweet solo and blew us all away. Mike is playing a lot of trumpet and teaming up with Ian's tasty drum flourishes. I love it. 

Tonight we'll do our Halloween show at the River Theater with Dgiin. Now that I can blog again, I'm looking forward to some juicy gig details to share with you. By the way, I think this new blog set-up allows for comments - so let me know what's up.

Take care. Love, Sylvia

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