
It's Thursday night, and I miss playing out there, but the Thugz have been using the time really well with creative pursuits. There's nothing better than putting Thugz heads together about musical ideas. Recording songs really makes you do your very best. It's not the same as doing a familiar, weekly gig, but we are getting out there to play when we can. That's why it's so important to click on "calendar" until we resume our regular schedule. We did the Orion Strong benefit party on Tuesday night at the Backyard in Forestville. It was truly a "beneficial benefit." We helped Angelina make some significant cash for Orion's medical bills, but we also helped a lot of folks have a great time. The Backyard chef offered a delicious paella dinner and even cooked up some lovely veggie/polenta for the vegetarians in our group. We set up under a huge tree in the courtyard and played our first set after Angelina did several of her great original tunes. During our break, Gabe and another Djinn member treated the fans to some rockin' gypsy jazz. So many of our loyal Thugz family were there, even some we haven't seen for quite a while. The whole evening went very smoothly thanks to Angelina and Jim's incredible preparation. The Backyard restaurant folks were super professional and very kind. I know Orion and his family were very grateful. Thanks to everyone who came out - it was a win/win kind of evening. The Thugz won't play for everyone again until we invade Aubergine's on Sunday evening, the 29th (6-10pm). Hopefully the fans will find us, and the tribe will recharge its collective batteries. Take care. Love, Sylvia  

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