Blue Night/ Crescent Moon

Last night at the Blue was crowded, noisy, exciting, and crazy-making. The Warriors/Rockets game had everyone's attention in the final minutes, so another adjective for the list would be "frustrating." We squished ourselves onto the tiny stage and did our best to entertain. I think we played well, and the fans had a great time - so all is well. Despite problems with less-than-perfect conditions and equipment gliches, I must say it's always fun to play with my Thugz family. Once the first song begins, I can feel a transformation happening in me. Playing music, I'm no longer my usual self - and yet I am truly my genuine self. The dullness, the sadness, the daily grind - all of that kind of stuff takes a back seat when the music starts. Suddenly, I don't wish my life to be any different. I am where I need to be. My heart is happy. My only hope would be that all of the fans feel a bit of that. I don't want it to be my exclusive ego trip. When the Thugz play well, I'm so grateful. Take care. Love, Sylvia

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