HE would have enjoyed it...!

I'm convinced that Bob Dylan, himself, would have enjoyed our 6th Annual Tribute Show last night at the Rio Nido Roadhouse. I think we did justice to his tunes, and Bob, himself, would have been pleased with the fans' devotion to his music. So, that said, I know we, ourselves - the Thugz,  had a great time and loved every minute of Bob's challenging tunes. Mike made sure we started the evening properly with "Fanfare For the Common Man." Melanie did a superb job reading the traditional script that introduces Bob. We launched right into a long list of songs that covered many decades. Mike had several guitars on stage, so we could come close to the sound Bob achieved on his recordings. It was quite respectful, but it did take time to make changes between songs. However it takes time to digest some Dylan tunes, so I liked the pace of the evening. Mike added another special touch by playing a recording of crickets chirping before "Man In a Long Black Coat." It was a soulful, swampy rendition - bugs and all. The fun continued as we started "Tangled Up In Blue," and the power went out on stage. Drew zoomed to the rescue, but it heightened everyone's awareness of how much energy we consume and put out! Speaking of energy, Ian's boys ran around all night, having a blast - so proud of their dad. Zephyr brought his Godzilla up to the stage for a special presentation - true showbiz. I loved singing the songs Mike chose for me - really perfect. "With God on Our Side" has to be the ultimate song for an ex-teacher who wants to make sure we have some historical perspective. I loved singing "Heart of Mine" with Stephanie - it has a great groove. My super favorites for the night were Mike's powerful "Cold Irons Bound," Stephanie's insightful "Simple Twist of Fate," and Ian's fabulous "Hurricane" - the story about Hurricane Carter that rings so true for us now. Yes, I could go on and on - but I think I've made my point that it was a great show - all the way to the final tune, "Everybody Must Get Stoned," complete with trombone.  Thanks so much, Bob, for your music.  Take care. Love, Sylvia 

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