Ongoing Saga

On Thursdays, the Thugz try to arrive at the theater early to set up. Lately, it has been dark and cold in there, but once the fun begins, everything warms and brightens. Last night we had James Foster on drums again - fabulous! Andre joined us for the whole evening - what a treat. After her really wonderful "tweener" set, Stephanie sang with us and brought the evening to a wham-bam conclusion. All of that had Drew's creative light show for a backdrop - what a production! So much goes on in our lives during the week that Thursdays are an oasis from the craziness for many of us. When the going gets tough, just dance, move, sing, play an instrument, hug a Thug! Hopefully life will settle down for Mike now that his move is completed. We'll have Ian back soon now that mom and baby are doing so well. (There's still no name - so it's Zephyr and little brother for now.) We hope all our Thugz fans and associates will keep supporting the River Theater - especially since Jerry has been so great about giving us a home base. Don't forget the big show on April 20th - the 420 Cannabissaroo! Drew has worked very hard to put it all together, and it will be a huge event for the theater. Finally, Mike has done a fantastic job putting our website together as part of our "ongoing saga." I write this blog in an attempt to save the saga for posterity. I knew there was a guy in Santa Cruz who read it - but that's it. Last night, I spoke to a lovely fan in the ladies' room who said she read it regularly. I was speechless - wow - there are readers out there. I will try to faithfully document our little saga for all of us. It means so much to me, and I'm grateful beyond words for our community. Thank you all.

Take care. Love, Sylvia