The Other Side

We traveled to the "other side" Saturday night - the other side of Hwy.101, that is. I was a bit worried about the big storm, but we made it to Cotati and back to the north coast without any major downpours. The wind was blowing small stuff around, but no "widow maker" limbs got in our path. In fact, it was a great night, a surprisingly great night. We played at the Redwood Cafe, right on Cotati's main street - just down the road a few feet from other bands playing at the Tradewinds, Spanky's, etc. People were out partying - just as they should on a Saturday night. Many of our loyal river fans showed up and got the dance floor warmed up. We had all ages on their feet, and their energy got us going. Andre played with us too, so we could do some songs we hadn't done for a while. He is the regular sound tech for the Redwood Cafe, so he helped Drew set things up to make our sound work well for the place.  The Cafe has a wonderful menu, and the blender smoothies were a big hit with Ian and Drew - both had carrot/beet juice highs going and red teeth too. It's always fun to know that the world beyond our river area likes our music. In fact, the Cafe would love to see us return, and I bet we will. After we packed up, Mike went on an exploratory mission in the rain to see what was going on in the neighboring clubs. It was late. so the bands were doing their last sets for small, rowdy clusters of serious drinkers. I was glad we had the best venue on the block with folks who weren't demanding the blues late into the night. We got home just in time because early Sunday morning before sunrise, the rain came down like crazy. And then, Sunday afternoon was like a Disney movie with bright sunshine, clean air, and happy frogs croaking in massive puddles. It was quite a weekend.

Take care. Love, Sylvia