Wild and Windy

Mike really picked up a nasty cold bug when he visited L.A. He was down for the count last night, so Andre and I were prepared to do the River Theater gig with Chris and Bradley. Andre was fired up to let it rip. I love to see him with so much enthusiasm and energy. Mike suggested we set up on the stage so we could use sound equipment that was in place. I arrived to find Drew already organizing the stage. I set up while the other Thugz arrived. Jerry had heaters going - a good sign! And then, KABOOM, the power went out all over town and beyond. The wind was blowing when I drove to town, and I had a sneaking suspicion I would have a wild night trying to get home through all the road debris. My suspicions were right on - but I didn't plan on the power going out. All the Thugz were genuinely disappointed - we all wanted to play, and we all wanted the chance to make Mike proud of his fellow Thugz. We had to find flashlights and undo the stage as best we could. Some loyal fans were outside the theater's front doors, wondering how to proceed with their night. I hope they come back when the next Thugz Thursday is scheduled after Thanksgiving on 12/5. And then my wild ride home began - two big trees down on the Seaview ridge - no tools, no saw of any kind in the car and my only option looked bleak. Then my neighbor and fellow musician, Brad Wilson, came along. Together we managed to stomp on limbs, break them off and drag what we could to the roadside. We made a small path through the big mess and actually made it home. The only lights I had seen were emergency lights on State Park buildings and the crab boat lights off the coast. When I got home - it was very, very dark - and I sat in the car searching for my flashlight when, KABOOM, the lights came on! I had Thanksgiving early - I'm so grateful I got help getting home and the lights came on just when I needed them. I'm also grateful we have another chance to play music together tomorrow night in Cotati. Mike should be there too, so things are lookin' up! Happy Thanksgiving to all. Take care. Love, Sylvia

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