Winnarainbow Magic

Right outside of Laytonville in Mendocino County, you'll find the turn off for Camp Winnarainbow - a magical place with a creek, a pond, beautiful oaks and crazy people - just like us! The Thugz arrived in shifts on Friday afternoon. Drew and Maris transported all my equipment in their legendary VW bus - bless their generous spirits. Mike, Melanie, Stephanie, Craig, Jo, Ian and Zephyr all arrived before I got there. They had their tents set up and had already taken advantage of the pond and water slide by the time I set myself up in the parking lot. We had dinner with the campers and got a sense of how playful and creative they were. Just before they sat down to eat, the campers had raided the costume tent for their dress-up croquet game and 2013 Adult Camp group photo with Wavy Gravy. What a scene! Since it's a circus camp, many campers could ride unicycles and walk with stilts, but certainly all could dance like crazy, and our music made it happen. The problem was I couldn't see them. We played our set facing forward while the dancers took over the back of the stage under the rainbow. Stephanie could see the action since she wasn't focusing forward all night, so she told me tales about costumed revelers cutting loose back there. Wavy Gravy himself came on stage  to blow some bubbles, put on his red nose, and hear his own song played Thugz-style, "Basic Human Needs" - as well as several Dylan tunes he loved. It was a wonderful night - so great to be around people who are happy, childlike, playful, creative and peace-loving. The Thugz are energized now - watch out!    Take care. Love, Sylvia